Turn around, look back. áwalačawik ‘look back at them!’; túkinš alačáwiša ‘why am I looking back?’; áwalačawišaaš yáamašna ‘I am looking back at the deer’; wiyáalačawi ‘look back’. [NP /q̓ílwn/; alačáwi is *hélek ‘back’ plus verbalizer *-éwi.]
344 terms start with “a”
Turtle, painted turtle, Chrysemys picta. [NP /ˀacik/; cf. Salish, e.g., Upper Chehalis ˀalašík; Moses Columbian ˀarasíkʷ (Kinkade 1991:3).]
Throw back, rid, abolish, destroy. See ánakʷ.
Generic bunch grass. See also waskú. [NP /pqs/.]
Water-hemlock, Cicuta douglasii. Poisonous.
Western screech owl, Otus kennicottii (?); northern pygmy owl, Glaucidium gnoma (?); northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus (?). See also úus. Hunn 1990:323 [NP /sax̣lat´mo/ (also palx̣óockin̓ /plx̣óckiˀns/) ‘screech owl, Otus asio‘; cf. also NP /wiq̓étwiq̓et/ ‘prairie owl’ (?); NP /k̓pk̓pno/ ‘barn owl, screech owl’ (?).]
Death camas, Zigadenus spp. (e.g., Z. venenosus and perhaps Z. paniculatus, perhaps also Z. glaucus and Z. elegans); usually grows in drier areas than camas. kaƛ̓iyawit̓áwas iwá alapíšaš ‘death camas is a poison’.
Low place, toward water, bottom of valley, shore, beach. miyánašma pawinanúuša aláypa ‘children are swimming at the shore’; aláy iwá čúuš ‘the water is lower’; aw kú čná aláy ƛ̓áax̣ʷ táatpas patáyax̣nayiya ‘then here ashore they found all his clothing’; iwátax̣na aláy tiičám aš kʷná ín táwyaša ‘it would be a low place where I am living’; áwna wínaša aláykan ‘we are going toward shore’; aláypa čúušpa ‘down by the water’. Opposite of áx̣mi. [NW álayt (Jacobs 1937:31.28.3, pg. 76); NP /ˀalláy/.]
Go down to a river or stream. paˀaláyiša ‘they are going down to the river’; waaláyi ‘run down to the river’. [NP /ˀalláyi/.]
Frenchman, halfbreed. aláymama ‘Frenchmen, halfbreeds’. [NP /ˀalláyma/.]
A plant that looks like a saxifrage. See also anipáš.
Alfalfa, Medicago sativa. [NP /ˀalpaˀálpa/.]
Big-head clover, Trifolium macrocephalum. [NP /ˀalpaˀálpa/.]
Frog, Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla; the “frog” on a horse’s leg. paˀínɨmɨnx̣a aluq̓átma ‘the frogs croak’; aluq̓atmí útpas ‘green fresh water algae’. [NP wex̣wéqt /wqwqt/; cf. /ˀálok̓at/ ‘young male mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis‘.]
Tollgate, Oregon. alúwax̣tat iwá x̣ʷáami pɨ́t̓x̣anupa ku kʷná iwá ataymat̓áwas ku tkʷatatáwas ɨščɨtpáyn ‘Tollgate is high in the mountains and there is a store and restaurant there along the road’.
Fast, quick to go somewhere else. kuušyawáysɨm pawá alúx ‘they are quick to go only somewhere else’.
From last year, last year’s. See anwimá.
Wing. alɨxmí áwa pípš ‘it’s a wing bone’. Also pronounced alɨ́x̣alx̣, aláx̣alx̣, alɨ́xˀalx. [NP /helqhelq/.]
Moon, month. itináytšamš álxayx ‘the moon is coming up’; iláqayx̣iša álxayx ‘the moon is shining’; ic̓íilɨn álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; c̓íil iwá álxayx ‘it is a full moon’; isc̓átsa álxayx ‘the moon is eclipsing’; náaptit ku náx̣š áwawtukɨnx̣a anx̣ayx̣mí ‘it is the 21st of the month’; náaptit ku náx̣š áwawtukɨnx̣a anx̣ayx̣mí ku kúuk pinátamasklikɨnx̣a tiičám wawáx̣ɨmityaw ánɨmkni ‘night falls the twenty first of the month and then the earth turns itself from winter to spring’; qáayx̣ álxayx ‘bright moon’; alxayxmí níit ‘ring around the moon’; alxayxwáakuł ipáax̣ ‘pan bread, moon bread’; xawíyi álxayx ‘May, June’. [ál is diminutive of án ‘sun’; x̣áyx̣ ‘dawn’; NP /hísemtuks/ ‘sun, moon’.]
Menstruation, menstrual period. alxayxpamá ititámat ‘calendar’. [NP /ˀémees/; /péhisemtuks/.]