Small rabbit, Nuttal cottontail rabbit, Sylvilagus nuttallii; eastern cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus (introduced). [NP /hey̓uxc/.]
344 terms start with “a”
Clearing, treeless place, flat ground, plains, land down below as seen when coming over the hill, the Yakima Valley. k̓ʷáytyamaš wá kutyaš átq̓ix̣ša tiičám áypɨx̣ ‘that rather is yours and I want the sagebrush land instead’; aypáx̣kan ‘towards Yakima’ (Jacobs 1931:231). [WS áypax̣; Y áypx̣; NP /tx̣peˀm/.]
Person from the plains. [NP /tx̣peˀmé/.]
Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. See píckatyu.
Sitting place, seat. amaš mɨná wá ayčtpamá ‘wherever your seat is’. [NP /wx̣siˀlikécet̓es/.]
Bear root, lovage, Ligusticum canbyi. iníyaaš kúƛ̓k áyun ‘she gave me a piece of lovage’. [NW áyut; NE qawšqáwš; NP /qawsqáws/.]
An old campsite in the Mt. Adams area called Race Track Lake. áyunaaš iwá nisáwtas ana kú čáw šín čikúuk pawínax̣a kʷná ‘Áyunaash is an abandoned campsite where nobody goes today’.
Chum, dog or white salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (“the fall run”); postspawning salmon. NE, Umatilla mostly uses mɨt̓úla. [S mɨt̓úla; P č̓ɨlí; NP /ˀeyq/.]