942 terms start with “w


Be ready to move, get ready to travel. wɨšwɨšúwatk ‘get ready to move!’. [NP /wswyáwwan/.]


Be still, immobile, stationary. iwɨ́šx̣ša ‘he is not moving’; ku pawíwšx̣ša ‘and they each are stopping’; tx̣áwšx̣n ~ x̣áwšx̣n ~ qáwšx̣ ‘stop, quit’; wáwšx̣ ‘finish a project’; wáawšx̣ ‘stop’; wɨ́šx̣i ‘stationary, not moving’. Ablaut: wɨsíix ‘still, quiet’. [Cf. perhaps NP /wsq-/ ‘with legs spread’.]


Foot, leg, paw. páyunaš kʷíya wɨx̣á ‘I hurt my leg’; páyu ákʷiya wɨx̣á ‘he hurt his foot’; ƛ̓ɨ́k ikʷíya wɨx̣á ‘he broke his leg’; kumataš wɨx̣á wɨ́šayčta payúwi ‘and your feet will become sick’; nč̓ínč̓i wɨx̣á ‘big feet’; mítični wɨx̣á ‘sole’; káatnam wɨx̣á (waxalxalí) ‘daddy long-legs’; wɨx̣áwx̣a ‘paw’; wɨx̣ánč̓i ‘big toe’; wɨx̣aní ‘having feet, footed, legged’; wɨx̣akíil ‘on foot’; wɨx̣ákƛakƛa ‘toes’; wɨx̣álaymut ‘little toe’; wɨx̣ap̓náy ‘heel’. [NP /ˀx̣we/ ‘foot’; /weyuk/ ‘leg’; /ˀx̣wetekey/ ~ /ˀx̣wet´x̣tey/ ‘sole’; /wayac̓ynwáyac̓yn/ ‘daddy long-legs’.]


On foot, walking. iwínaša wɨx̣akíil ‘he is going on foot’; wɨx̣akíil iwínana Cáan ‘John went on foot’. [NP /ˀx̣weki/.]


Toes. [NP ˀex̣wettáalam /ˀx̣wet-tálam/.]


Little toe. [NP ˀex̣wetláymiwt /ˀx̣wet-laymwt/.]


Wishram (Spearfish), Washington. Oblique varies dialectally: Wɨ́šx̣aa or Wɨ́šx̣am. Wɨ́šx̣amma pawá ‘they are Wishrams’; pawačá Wɨ́šx̣aama ‘they were Wishrams’; Wɨ́šx̣amkni pawá ‘they are from Wishram’; ku itkʷapaničášana K̓álwaš Wɨšx̣aamíkni ‘and Colwash signed (the Treaty) from Spearfish’; Wɨšx̣aamí sɨ́nwit ‘the Wishram language’. [Wishram nixlúidix.]


Having feet, footed, legged. páx̣at pútaaptit wɨx̣aní saysáy ‘centipede, millipede’; x̣lakwɨx̣aní saysáy ‘caterpiller’.


Big toe. [NP /ˀx̣wettéq̓is/.]


Heel (on foot or shoe). See awx̣ap̓náy.


Centipede, millipede, Chilopoda.


Wrestle. ínaš áwx̣awita ‘I will wrestle him’; pɨ́nɨmnaš iwx̣áwita ‘he is wrestling me’; áwx̣awišaaš ‘I am wrestling him’; páwx̣awiya Spilyáyin sc̓átna ku aw kú tiičám iwɨ́šayča ‘Coyote wrestled the dark and then the land came to be’; nápiintaš pápawx̣awita ‘we will wrestle one another’; pápawx̣awiša ‘they are wrestling one another’; pawx̣áwit ‘wrestling match’. [NE puux̣áwi; NP /wtínewi/ (from /wtí-/ ‘while otherwise occupied’ plus /hínewi/ ‘try, test’); /wtílen/, /wtil´knik/.]


Little feet, paw. wáyx̣tik wɨx̣áwx̣aski ‘run with your little foot’ (said to little children).


Throw, toss, discard, throw away, lose; lie down (with reflexive). iwɨx̣ína ‘he threw it away’; iwɨx̣íin ‘he has thrown it away’; páx̣amnam áwx̣ita ánačan ‘five times you will throw them towards the back’; iwx̣ína ku iwiláalakʷa ‘he put it down and left it’; ana kú tiičámnɨm išaláwita ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tunx̣túnx̣ iwíkuta kuna iwɨx̣íta ‘when the land will tire of us it will do all different things and throw us off’ (spoken prophetically); pawx̣ínx̣ana wáwnakʷšašna kʷná ‘they place the body there’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina ‘and she lay down there’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina čikúuk ‘and there it lies today’; páyšnaš áwx̣ita ílukasna kunam kʷáan wínata ‘maybe I’ll toss the stick and you will go away’; watx̣ɨ́nam pináwx̣ita ‘are you going to lie down?’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina ku inč̓úna ‘and there she laid down and went to sleep’; áwnaš pináwx̣iša ‘now I am lying down’; pináwx̣iin ‘he has lain down’; pináwx̣ink ‘lie down!’; ku kʷná pináwx̣inx̣a čikúuk ‘and today they lie there’; X̣ʷaamayáyin miyánašma pášapawx̣ina kʷaaná tílaakina ‘Eagle made that woman lose her children’; Spilyáyin čáw hátina páwx̣ina čɨ́ni ‘Coyote didn’t throw any Donnell’s desert parsley on this side (on the Oregon side)’; ku kʷná pináwx̣inx̣a čikúuk ‘and there it is lain today’; láwx̣in ‘leisurely lie’; qáwqin ‘fall, fall down’; wapáwx̣in ‘release, let go’; wiláwɨx̣ič ‘blow down’; wɨx̣ínš ‘abalone’. [NP /wqín/.]


Abalone, abalone shell, Haliotis spp. [NE šalx̣íˀš; WS íciwas; NP /ˀstp̓i/.]


Abalone. The legendary character. Wɨx̣inšyaynmí Łp̓úł ‘place right after the break hill at Prosser, Washington’ (Thomas Morning Owl).


Throwing stick, atlatl.


Want to lie down. áwnam pináwx̣iyat̓aša ‘you are wanting to lie down now?’.


Move up into the high country, move camp up. pawšx̣ʷáamiša táp̓ašyaw ‘they are moving up to the mountains’; pamáwšuwaša wɨšx̣ʷáamitay íkʷɨn ‘they are getting ready for moving up there’. [NP /wsáhsa/.]


Move camp. pawšiyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná iwačá waníči Qimšáat ‘they used to move (to) where she was called Qimsháat‘; pawšyát̓ax̣ana ana kʷná ánč̓ax̣i pax̣níx̣ana x̣áwšna ‘they would move (to) where they would dig cous again’.