281 terms start with “č


From this, from here, on this side. Ablative case. iwačá tiičám čɨ́ni ‘it was land from here’; apam kú čɨ́ni wínata ‘when you go from here’; Spilyáyin čáw hátina páwx̣ina čɨ́ni ‘Coyote didn’t throw any Donnell’s desert parsley on this side (on the Oregon side of the River)’. [N čɨ́nik; NP kínix /k´nik/.]


Ablative case. Palatalized variant of -kni. ámčni ‘outside, on the outside’; ánačni ‘behind, in back’; mítični ‘inside, underneath’; wát̓uyčni ‘in front, ahead’; x̣ʷáamični ‘above’. [N -čnik; NP -kin̓ix /-kn̓ik/.]


On this side. papúučni patáwyanaykɨnx̣ana kʷɨ́ni íšatkni ku ánč̓a čníin ‘long ago they would settle on both sides (of the river)—from that side and again on this side’; ku kʷnáx̣i paˀanítat̓aša maykčníin ɨníit ‘and similarly there they are wanting to make houses more on this side’. [NW čnínk.]


This. Ergative case. itq̓íx̣šana čɨ́nɨm tímašnɨm kútana tk̓ʷíikʷ ‘this paper wants us to act honestly’. [NP kínm /k´nm/.]


Of this. Genitive case. ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alx̣ayx̣mí ‘and it is the twenty third day of this month’; k̓ʷáy áwa útpas čɨnmíin tiičammí ‘that (snow) is this earth’s blanket’; čná x̣áyx̣pa ana kú iwá pačwáywinaq̓it ku iwá náaptit ku mɨ́taat łk̓ʷí čɨnmí alxayxmí ‘on this morning when it is Monday and it is the 23rd day of this month’. [NP kínm /k´nm/.]


Root of wáčq ‘chop’. Possible sound symbolic variants are č̓ɨ́q, č̓ɨ́x̣, also c̓ɨ́x̣n ‘defecate’.


Have something in the eye. ičqúna ‘he got something in his eye’; čqúnaaš łɨ́łx̣ki ‘I got dirt in my eye’; láčquk ‘be smoky’. [Cf. perhaps NP /tq̓óqniˀns/ ‘blinded in one eye’.]


Fruit of cottonwood tree.


Cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium; also burdock, Arctium minus.


Quietly, noiselessly. Also pronounced čukʷíin. čukʷíin wɨ́šayčɨnk ‘be quiet!’; čuukʷíin iwačá ‘she was quiet (wouldn’t say anything)’; čukʷíin iláˀayša ‘he is sitting quietly’; čukíin isɨ́nwisa ‘he is talking quietly’; čukʷíin ‘quiet!’. [WS čawkíin; NP /cetúuk/.]


Obsidian; peamouth chub, Mylocheilus caurinus. ipáƛ̓ɨmtka čúkšna ‘he chipped a piece off the obsidian’. [NP /s´kʷs/, /s´xʷs/; /sxʷs/.]


Drink. ičúuna čúušna ‘he drank the water’; ámulayttanam kunam áčuuta ‘you should boil it and drink it’; ičúušana wánapa ‘he was drinking in the river’; čúušapam túna ana tún iwá čáw níix̣ ‘you are drinking something that is not good’; šapáčuun ’cause to drink’. [K čáwa; Y číin; NP /kúu/ (used with reflexive); PS *kéwe.]


Without drinking.


Water. iwá áwtni čúuš ana kʷiiní pásapakiikɨnx̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷna ‘the water which cleanses all is tabooed’; kúušx̣ina náaman inaknúwiyayiša wáwnakʷšaš čúušnɨm ‘in the same way the water is taking care of our bodies’; iyáx̣taša čúuš tkʷsáyyaw ‘he is pouring water into the pot’; ača kú iwá pɨ́n čúuš pyáp ƛ̓aax̣ʷmaamíyaw tkʷatatmaamíyaw ku kúušx̣i naamíyaw ‘because the water is elder brother to all the foods and likewise to us’; čúušnɨmna inaknúwiyayiša náaman ƛ̓áax̣ʷ wáwnakʷšaš ‘water is taking care of all our bodies’; čúusyaw áqatamanuuna ‘his dropped into the water’; iwá áwtni čúuš ‘the water is tabooed’; k̓pɨ́s iwá čúuš ‘the water is cold’; k̓pɨ́s čúuš ‘cold water’; láx̣ʷayx̣ čúuš ‘hot water’; wɨq̓áat čúuš ‘warm water’; atáačuuš ‘ocean’. [K čáwaš; Y číiš; NP /kúus/; PS *kéweš.]


Water skipper. Also čuušlakluwiłá.


Pertaining to water. čuušpamá pyúš ‘water snake’; čuušpamá šapawaanayttpamá ‘water faucet’; čuušpamá tkʷátat ‘aquatic food’.


Be thirsty, crave water. čúušpat̓ašaaš ‘I am thirsty’. [NP /kuut̓pécwi/ (used with reflexive).]


One who is an alcoholic. [NP /ˀipnekuut̓´pec/.]


Drink, drinking, liquor, juice. mɨmɨqɨšmí čúut ‘orange juice’; mɨlá čúut ‘bad drink, liquor’.


Fetch water. čúutak ‘go get water!’. [K čáwata; Y číita; NP /kúuten/.]