143 terms start with “k


Red thornberry, Crataegus columbiana. They have much longer thorns than the black Thornberry (šnɨ́m); the ones around Kamiah are orange. paˀaníx̣ana kulakúlaki łapt̓alá ‘they used to make pemmican with red thornberries’. Also sometimes applied to salmonberry, Rubus spectabilis (Beavert & Hargus 2009). Hunn (1990:347) also defines as soapberry, Shepherdia canadensis. [NP /telq/.]


Those. Nominative. Also kʷɨ́ma. ana kúma pałq̓íwišana ‘those who were playing’; ana kúma paskúulisa čná ‘those who are going to school here’; ku kúma patmíyuša ana tún pawíˀaniša níit čná ‘and those are deciding which ever houses they are building here’; ku kúma patmíyuša ‘and those are deciding’; ku patáq̓inuna kúma súlčasma ‘and those soldiers saw her’; pamíya kúma ašwaníyama ‘those slaves did it’. [WS kʷmá; NW kumák; NP konmá /kʷn-mé/.]


Salmon head or jaw cartilage, the soft gristle in the head of the salmon. It is white, light gray. The old people liked to eat it. áx̣ʷay patkʷátax̣a kúmkumna čnamáan tanánma ku ttúuš tanán c̓áakni ku wanuukšiłáma ‘they still eat the fish head, the people from here and some from nearby and the coast people’. [NP /kumkum/.]


Hearsay. See =akut.


Guilty. čáwnam wá kúti ‘you are not guilty’; kúti iwá ‘he is guilty’. [NE kutí; NP /kútiˀins/.]


Work. ana k̓ʷáy áwača nč̓inč̓imaamí kútkut ‘that which was the elder’s work’; kutaš čáw wiyánawiya kútkutyaw watím ‘and we didn’t come to work yesterday’; ku iwinána ihawáanaykša kútkutkni ‘and he went on vacation from work’; itkʷátaša kútkutpa ‘he is eating at work’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ šín čikúuk iwaqítša kútkutna ača kú iwá wáayawit ‘everybody today is looking for work because there is hard times’; at̓úk kútkut ‘hard work’. [NP /cepel´xnikt/.]


Worker. pamáywɨšinx̣a ɨščɨtpamá kutkutłáma ‘the road workers move around early’; ača kú áwa kutkutłá ‘because it’s his worker’. [NP /cepelxnikew̓et(u)/.]


Work. ikútkutna ‘he worked’; ku čná ikútkutšana ‘and he was working here’; máal kʷná ikútkutta ‘how long will he be working there?’; ku míimi iwačá nč̓í twáti kunam kʷɨ́nɨm ikútkuttax̣na ‘and long ago there was the big Indian doctor and that one could work on you’; ikútkutnayišana pšɨ́tpa ‘he was working for his father’; pakútkutnayitanam ‘they will work yours’; kútkuttx̣awn ‘work through’. [NP /cepel´xnik/, /cepelén/ (in habitual aspect); S kútkutn is probably a nominalization and reduplication of ‘do’ reverbalized with -n.]


Relating to work. kutkutpamá k̓úsi ‘work horse’.


Work with. Often reduces to kútkutwana. pakútkutwanašaaš ‘they are working with me’.


Work through. ku iwáta kʷná twáti kunam ikútkuttx̣awta ‘and there will be a doctor there and he will work it through you’.


Finish doing. [NP /kotnaq̓i/.]


Chunk, piece. Also kúƛk. iníyaaš kúƛ̓k áyun ‘he gave me a chunk of licorice root’; kuƛ̓kúƛ̓k nɨkʷɨ́t ‘chunks of meat’.


In that manner, that way, thusly. kúuš pasɨ́nwix̣ana nč̓ínč̓ima ‘thusly the elders used to say’; kúuštaš łq̓íwix̣ana maysxmáysx ‘we would play that way every day’; kúuš iwačá miimi ‘it was like that long ago’; paˀílax̣yawitax̣ana nɨkʷɨ́t kúušx̣i núsux kúušx̣i x̣nít ‘they used to go dry meat and salmon and roots’; čáw mɨná iwačá aníyi tamicáwas ana kúuš wá čikúuk ‘nowhere was there a man made cemetery like we have today’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷna wá pápanaymuni ana kúuš lɨ́xskni ttáwax̣tkni ‘we are all related to each other as from a single pedigree’; pakúussimna ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pamáwapawata ‘we’ll all dress up the same’; kʷɨ́ł áw kúuš ‘that’s all’ (said at the end of a speech); kúušx̣i ‘in the same way, similarly’; ana kúuš ‘like, as, such as’. [NE kuˀúš; NW íkuš, íkušk; kúšk; NP /kuˀús/.]


At that time, then. ku kúukx̣i kú iwɨ́npta tanán waníčt ‘and at the same time then he will get his Indian name’; kúukx̣i ‘at the same time’; pakúuk ‘sometimes’; čikúuk ‘today’. [NP kawá.]


Cook. ikúukiša nɨkʷɨ́tna ‘she is cooking the meat’; Wayámpa pakúukix̣a núsuxna páłpaski ‘at Celilo they cook their salmon on roasting sticks’. [English cook verbalized with -i.]


Stove. šín iwá kuukiłá ‘who is the cook?’. [NP /hpt-haniyaw̓at(o)/.]


Cook stove. kuukitpamá tkʷsáy ‘cooking pot’.


Beaded hair tie.


Be satisfied, have enough, be full, satiated. kúułɨnnaš ‘I have had enough (food)’; áx̣ʷay ikúułša ‘he is still full’; ku čáw ikúułna ‘he didn’t get full’; kúułnaaš tkʷátatki ‘I got full on the food’; áwnaš kúułša ‘I am full now’; aw kú pɨ́nč̓a itkʷátax̣ana c̓íc̓kna ku čáw ikúułna ‘then he would also eat the grass and not be satisfied’. [NE tnɨ́mn (cf. NE kuˀúł ‘satisfied’); NW & WS čiwátn; NP /tqelék/; /hpst̓úyn/.]