143 terms start with “k


Ablative case. pawiyánawiya Ímatalamkni ‘they arrived from Umatilla’; pínapu pawačá inmíkni tilamíkni ‘there were four from my maternal grandfather’s side’; ača kú tmɨ́š iwiyáwat̓wix̣a ƛ̓áax̣ʷkni ana tún iwá tmaanít ‘because the chokecherry leads from all that is the fruit’; itináytšamš x̣ʷiyáytškni ‘he backed out of the sweathouse’; itiyánpa tílaaki miyuux̣míkni ‘he took the woman away from the chief’; kúuk ƛ̓áax̣ʷ pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ápinawšuwanx̣a špámkni ánɨmiyaw ‘then all its body gets itself ready from autumn to winter’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷna wá pápanaymuni ana kúuš lɨ́xskni ttáwax̣tkni ‘we are all related to each other as from a single pedigree’; ičúuša wánakni ‘he is drinking out of the creek’; iƛúpwaaničanwiya pšwákni ‘he jumped off the rock’; k̓ʷáy iwá sápsik̓ʷat míimikni ‘that is the teaching from long ago’; inákpaaša luc̓áan mɨqɨ́škni ‘she is separating the red from the orange’; aw kú iwáynana x̣ʷayamá inmíkni ‘then the eagle flew from me’; x̣ʷayamá iwáynana naamíkni ‘the eagle flew away from us’; napiinamíkni iwáynana ‘he flew away from us two’; mɨ́taat x̣áyx̣ pačwáywitkni ‘three days from Sunday’; núšnukni tilíwal ‘nose bleed’. [N -knik; NP /-kn̓ik/; cf. Klamath -kni (Barker 1963b:188).]


Ablative case. Emphatic. imikníin iwáynana x̣ʷayamá ‘the eagle flew away from you’; x̣ʷayamá iwáynana pɨnmikníin ‘the eagle flew away from him’; iwáynana imiinamikníin ‘it flew away from you two’; iwɨ́nptux̣tax̣nanam paamikníin ‘he could get you back from them’; iƛúpwaapaaša pɨnmikníin ‘he jumped away from him’. [NW -knínk.]


Presently, recently, just now. kpáyl pawínata ‘in a little while they will go’; kpáylnam wiyánawiya ‘you finally got here’; kpáylx̣iš tkʷátašana ‘I similarly was eating not long ago’; k̓ʷáy kpáyl iwína ‘he has just left’. [N kpáylk.]


Alone. See =sá.


Foul of odor. ksɨ́k itíwaša ‘it smells bad’.


Small, little, young. Singular, individuative. iwá náx̣š kskɨ́s ‘it’s a small one’; čí iwá kskɨ́s wána ‘this is a little river’; kúušx̣i yipɨ́x̣šikan iwá kskɨ́s níit ‘similarly downstream there is a little house’; iƛúpwaawayčɨnx̣ana t̓at̓ałíya kskɨ́sna wánana ‘the ogress would jump across the little ditch’; aš k̓ʷapɨ́n nákttawax̣šamš kskɨ́skni ‘that with which I grew up from childhood’; kskɨ́s áswan ‘little boy’; kskɨ́s músmuscɨn ‘little calf’; ataakskɨ́s ‘extra small’; tamawɨ́n kskɨ́s ‘too small’; čáksksi ‘make small’. For plural see kkɨ́s. [NE waptáy; NW iksíks; NP /kʷ´ckʷc(e)/.]


Oyster mushroom (see híp̓aw), generic mushroom. See łɨntɨ́t.


Smallest, youngest. kskɨ́salala iwá miyánaš ‘it’s the smallest child (of the family)’.


Fast, quick, quickly, readily, hurriedly. kɨ́tu ‘hurry up!’; kɨ́tu kúk ‘do it fast!’; kɨ́tu iwáyx̣tiya ‘he ran fast’; kɨ́tuna áwayčta ɨščɨ́tna ‘we have to cross the road quickly’; páyšnam čáw wɨłq̓ámita kɨ́tu mak̓ínam kú čná paˀíƛ̓iyawita ‘if you don’t hurridly get your moccasins on they will kill you here’; kʷɨ́nkita kú ku pɨnmíin áwinana háašt kɨ́tu ‘with that then her breath went quickly’; kɨ́tu wayx̣tiłá miyánaš ‘rapid runner baby = stonecrop, Sedum lanceolatum, S. oreganum‘. [NP /hámtiˀc/; cf. S x̣tú ‘strong’ & NP /qtu/ ‘more’.]


Quickly, hurriedly; hurry up! ktúktu wínam ‘hurry come!’; ktúktu tímak ‘hurry write!’; ktúktu áwna wínaša ‘hurry up! we’re going’; ktúktu kúk ‘do it fast!’; ktúktu wɨ́npatak ‘hurry go get it!’; ktúktu wɨłq̓ámik ‘hurry put your moccasins on!’. See also kɨ́tu.


Side, off to the side. kʷáan wínak ktɨ́x̣kan ‘go to the other side’; ktɨ́x̣kni iwášašana ‘he was riding on the side (i.e., of the car)’; ktɨ́x̣yaw ‘(move it) just a bit!’. [NP /kún̓ike(y)/.]


Fork. ikƛáša ɨščɨ́t ‘the road is forking’. [NP /peˀx̣seli/.]


Forked, bifurcated; spike buck. kƛáa iwá yúkaas ‘it is a forked horn’; tkʷápkƛakƛa ‘fingers’; wɨx̣ákƛakƛa ‘toes’. [NP /peˀx̣seliˀns/; cf. NP /kcaˀn/ ‘meet’; cf. Y kƛáak ‘gapped, jagged, agape, open’.]


Twinned, two of something. áwa kƛákƛani miyánaš ‘she has twins’.


And, and then, but. iwača xʷɨ́saat ku łmáma ‘there was an old man and an old woman’; kúuš míimi iwačá ku čikúuk iwá túnx̣ ‘thusly it was long ago but today it is different’; ana kú iwiyánawiya ku paq̓ínuna paanáy ‘when he arrived they saw him’; kúuštašta kú wiyánawiya ‘thusly then we arrived’; nápt ku nápt iwá pínapt ‘two plus two equals four’; náaptit ku náx̣š ‘twenty one’; ača kú ‘because’; ana kú ‘when’; aw kú ‘then’; míš ku amúu ‘certainly!’. [NP kaa /kaa/; wax̣ /waq/ (usually between nominals).]

Go. ikú ‘he has gone’; ikʷíya ‘he went’; ikúša ataymat̓áwasyaw ‘he is going to the store’; kʷáan kúk ‘go away!’; páyu ákʷiya wɨx̣á ‘his foot got hurt’; x̣yáw ikúša ‘it is drying up’; páyu ákuša wɨx̣á ‘his leg is hurting’; páyunaš kʷíya wɨx̣á ‘my leg got hurt’; čwáwku ‘take food home from a dinner’; típaku ‘go backwards’; tkʷápwaaku ‘move the hand’; wáakyawa ‘rush at’; wɨsákyawa ‘sneak up on’. [NP /ku/.]

Do. ikú ‘he has done it’; pásc̓at áawat ikú ‘the fog has disappeared’; tk̓ʷíikʷ ikúša ‘he is doing it right’; kʷná pakúx̣ana ánč̓a núsux̣na ku k̓súyasna inmíma tanánma ‘there again my people used to catch salmon and eels’; k̓úpnaš kʷíya apáp ‘I broke my arm (or hand)’; ayáyatnam kú ‘you’ve done beautifully, congradulations’; húynaš ikʷíya ‘he couldn’t do it’; kúušx̣i pakúx̣a ‘they do it the same way’; kúuš pakúx̣ana míimi ‘thusly they used to do long ago’; kúušpam kúta miyánašma ‘you children should do thusly’; čáwnam mún kúuš kúx̣ana ‘you never used to do like that’; čáwpam čná tún wíkuta ‘you won’t do anything here’; cnísaan ákʷiyayik ‘do something for your sister!’; páyu ikʷíyayiya (paanáy) apáp ‘he hurt his (the other person’s) hand’; čáw pináwikʷayik núšnu ‘don’t pick your nose!’; yáyš ikú ‘he has done wrong’; páyu ikʷíya (pinmíin) apáp ‘he hurt his (own) hand’; čáku ‘pull’; čápku ‘open a bundle, undo a braid’; pákuk ‘copulate’. [NP /ku/.]


Small piece. Also kúck. áwmaš níša kúc̓k nɨkʷɨ́t ‘now I am giving you a little piece of meat’; paníyaaš kúc̓k ipáax̣ kutaš čúuna wáyn ‘they gave me a little piece of bread and we drank wine’; kúc̓k yaamašmí nɨkʷɨ́t ‘a little piece of deer meat’; kúck ipáax̣ ‘a little piece of bread’. See also kúƛ̓k.


Your (a man’s) younger brother. Also ímkuks. kúks iwá ‘it’s your younger brother’. See ɨsx̣ɨ́p. [NP /ˀim̓sqp/.]


Brain; gray hair. patamanúuša apɨ́x̣ kukúkyaw ‘they are putting the hide in the brain solution’; pašapalúuša apɨ́x̣ kukúkyaw ‘they are soaking the hide in brain’; kukúk áwa tútanik ‘his hair is gray’. [N plús ‘brain’; NP /yex̣yeqít̓es/ ‘brain’; cf. NP /qúqn/ ‘be gray’; /qux̣ús/ ‘dull gray’; /hukuk/ ‘hair’.]