143 terms start with “k


Any bright flower.


Bothersome, tiring, tired, repetitive. kɨc̓ɨc̓áas ‘I feel tired’; kɨc̓ɨc̓áas iwá ‘he is tiring, bothersome’; kɨc̓ɨc̓áas isɨ́nwiša ‘he is speaking repetively’.


Open the mouth. See qčákn.


Instrumental case. išáx̣ƛ̓ka nɨkʷɨ́tna x̣apiłmíki ‘he cut the meat with his knife’; páwɨnpa apápki ‘he grabbed him with his hand’; šk̓apášwayki paˀaníx̣a k̓alk̓alípš ‘they make the cradleboard bow with rose’; ku pawáp̓ax̣ana paƛ̓aapá kʷɨ́nkix̣i taxʷɨ́ski ‘and they used to weave their basket hats with that same dogbane’; pamáwšuwanx̣ana walptáyktki ‘they used to get themselves ready with singing’; tiičámna páˀiƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷix̣a pɨnmikíin púwiki ‘it covers the ground with its snow’; kuš skúulix̣ana k̓úsiki ‘and I used to go to school by horse’; iyáytaša wásaski ‘he is floating along by raft’; wínax̣anaataš c̓íkc̓iki čɨ́ni ‘we used to go from here by wagon’; pináˀutpša lišáalki ‘she is putting a shawl around her shoulders’; níix̣kiš ásamx̣nax̣ana inmímaaman miyánašmaaman ‘I used to talk to my children in a good way’; kunam pinánaknuwita níix̣kisim px̣ʷíki ‘you should take care of yourself with only good thoughts’; ásamx̣našanaataš naamíki sɨ́nwitki ‘we were talking to them in our language’; čnáš máan iwaníša tanánki čí ‘how is this named in Indian?’; áwnaš ititámaša tanánki ‘now I am counting in Indian’; isɨ́nwiša šuyaputɨ́mki ‘he is speaking in English’; sɨ́nwisanaaš káˀuyitki ‘I was talking about the root feast’; átx̣uša wánaki ‘he’s worrying about the river’; kkáwšaaš x̣ax̣áykʷi ‘I feel bad about the money’; pasɨ́nwiša kʷɨ́nki tilaakinmíki ‘they are talking about that woman’; ana pmáy pamániyayišana waq̓íšwit čɨ́nki tiičámki ‘they (the soldiers) who were giving their lives because of this land’; súyak̓papki itwák̓ʷiiškša ipáax̣ ‘he’s spreading butter on the bread’; iwáynuuša nɨkʷɨ́t čúuški ‘she’s boiling the meat in water’. [NP /-ki/.]


Smiling, grinning. kiˀíis iwá ‘he is smiling’. [NP /x̣ileyx̣íley/.]


Smile. ikiˀíissa ‘he is smiling’.


Smile. ikiˀíiswiša ‘he is smiling’. [Y p̓ɨškʷín; NP /x̣íleyn/.]


Be clean. Bound root. íkiik ‘clean’; sapákiik ‘clean, cleanse’; súkiik ‘mop’; twákiik ‘clean out with a stick, spatula’. Ablaut: kyáak, káayk. [NP /k´yk/ (bound).]


Taste. Shortened from káˀilawi. pakíilawiša ‘they are tasting’; sɨ́kni iwá čáw wíyat kúušx̣i kíilawitpa ana kúuš sawítk ‘yellow bell is almost the same in taste as the Indian carrot’. [NP /kíinewi/.]


Instrumental case. Emphatic. kunam ím pánaknuwimta imikíin hawláaki apápki ‘and you will keep me with your heavenly hand’; tiičámna páˀiƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷix̣a pɨnmikíin púwiki ‘it covers the ground with its snow’; ku pináwšuwata pɨnmikíin wáwnakʷšaški ‘and she [the food] will get herself ready with her body’; pasɨ́nwišana imaamikíin ‘they were talking about you folks’; kúuš pináwšuwana pɨnmikíin qqaanáytki ‘thusly she got herself ready with her work’; isɨ́nwiya pɨnmikíin sɨ́nwitki ‘he spoke in his own language’; isɨ́nwiya pɨnmikíin ‘he spoke about him’; imaamikíin ƛ̓áax̣ʷ isɨ́nwiya ‘he spoke about you all’; imiinamikíin isɨ́nwiya ‘he talked about you two’. [NW -kínk.]


Translocative directional. Implies ‘further on’ from some point already away from the speaker. Reduces to -yk after the aspects. iwínakika ‘he went on’; ku kúuk sɨ́nwit iwáanačičɨnkika naamíyaw níityaw ‘and then he sent word on to our house’; kʷɨ́łnaš k̓ʷáy ínč̓a tɨmnanáx̣ɨnkikš ‘that much further also I have told the story’; ku aw kú iwaanáytɨnkika saysáy ‘and then the worm went on out’; áwš wayčát̓ašaykš ‘now I am wanting to cross on over’; ku iwáanaytɨnx̣ayka ‘and he would go on out’. [NE -čič; NP /-kik/.]


Instrumental case. Irregular form only in wɨx̣akíl ‘on foot’.


Messy, unkempt. kiłáaš wá ‘my place is messy’. [Cf. MosesColumbian ḳ íɬạ ʔ ‘careless’ (Beavert and Hargus 2009:64).]


California mountain kingsnake, Lampropeltis zonatus.


Instrumental case. túkin ‘with what?’; mɨ́łkin ‘how much (cost)?’; áwš míškin čáw aw kú wáytša ‘now then by whatever means I am not crossing’; míškin patmíyuša ‘what are they deciding?’; míškin iwá tíin ‘how with are the people’ (Jacobs 1929:176:19).


Canada. [NP /kincóc/; Jargon from King George.]


House cat, Felis cattus. Also píšpiš; p̓úus. [NP /pcpc/.]


Headband. [Cf. NP /ˀsúus/ ‘head ornament, headdress, crown’.]


Drum. iwáwaanašaša kiwkíwlacna ‘he is beating the drum’. (Bruce Rigsby: “kíwkiwlàac is what I recorded from Vera [Jones].”) [WS & Y kiwkíwlas; NP /kiwkiwl̓ac/.]


Softly, not loud.