Without underwear. papáax̣amɨnx̣ana pałx̣anút ‘they used to war dance slick style’ (with breechclout only).
528 terms start with “p”
Gentillic. N Sahaptin, sometimes borrowed into Columbia River. pášx̣apam ‘people from Walla Walla, Washington’; Walawalapamłaamí ‘of the Walla Walla people’; X̣ʷáyłx̣ʷaypam ‘Klickitat people’. Umatilla uses -łáma. [NP /-puu/.]
You, yours, your. Plural.
- Subject:
- wášpam átaw ‘you are special’;
- áwpam wínaša ‘now you’re going’;
- čáwpam mún láakta imaamíin sɨ́nwit ‘you should never forget your language’;
- čáwpam mún kʷná łq̓íwita miyáanašma ‘you children should never play there’;
- qqaanáytapam ‘you should work!’;
- míšpam áwɨnta ‘how do you say it?’;
- čúušapam túna ana tún iwá čáw níix̣ ‘you are drinking something that is not good’.
- Object:
- pawɨ́nptapam ‘they will get you’;
- mak̓ípam kú iwáwyata ‘he’s going to whip you folks’;
- apam kʷɨ́nki išapáˀat̓ɨlpɨnx̣a ‘with that which it makes you crazy’;
- kupam kʷná iwáašuwiyayita k̓úsi súlčasnɨm ‘and there the army will hurriedly examine your horses’.
See more:
imáy ‘you all, you guys’ (subject)
imaamanáy ‘you all, you guys’ (object)
=nam ‘you’ (singular);
imanáy ‘you’ (accusative singular)
[NP /-pem/.]
Reflexive plural.
Attach to verbs. new info
- pamáwšuwašaataš ‘we are getting ourselves ready’;
- wátana pamáwšuwani ‘we will be readied’;
- čáwpam pamánaktamawta ‘you shouldn’t get carried away’;
- pamáˀiix̣ɨnx̣ana kʷɨ́nki ‘they would wash themselves with that’;
- pamáq̓inušana ‘they saw themselves’;
- ku pamáwɨnpɨnx̣ana kʷná waláč̓witšpa ‘and they would get themselves in that belt’;
- ana pmáy pamániyayišana waq̓íšwit čɨ́nki tiičámki ‘they who were giving their lives for this land’;
- pamáˀisɨp̓ix̣a ‘they cover themselves up’;
- pamániya sulcasmíyaw ‘they volunteered themselves for the army’;
- památaatpasit ‘clothing’.
See more:
piná- (Reflexive singular);
[NW piimá-; NP /nemé-/ ‘ourselves’; /ˀimé-/ ‘yourself’; /ˀimemé-/ ‘yourselves, themselves’.]
Pertaining to, a thing for, a place for.
Attach to nouns.
ačašpamá ‘eye glasses’;
anpamá ‘clock, watch’;
ilukšpamá ‘stove’;
iqʷiktpamá ‘perfume’;
łaypamá ‘saddle blanket’;
łiitkpamá ‘handkerchief’;
maysxpamápa ‘day after tomorrow’;
nawatpamá ‘cinch’;
płx̣pamá ‘pharmacy’;
pɨt̓x̣anupamá ‘pertaining to mountains’;
timašpamá ‘wastebasket’;
watimpamá ‘day before yesterday’;
sapxʷlkaspamá ‘ring finger’;
suk̓páwaspa tutanikpamá ‘bobbypin’;
ayčtpamá ‘sitting place, seat’;
ilaqayx̣itpamá ‘light’;
ilkʷtpamá / iluktpamá ‘fireplace’;
łq̓iwitpamá ‘toy’;
pšatatpamá ‘big root bag, gunny sack’;
sapak̓pstpamá ‘refrigerator, freezer, locker’;
sapsik̓ʷatpamá ‘school’;
šapačanptpamá ‘pliers’;
šaptpamá ‘pack rope’;
talapušaktpamá ‘church’;
tawˀattpamá ‘bathroom’;
timatpamá ‘branding iron’;
tk̓itpamá ‘magnifying glass’;
tusktpamá ‘index finger’;
tuttpamá ‘pestle’;
twaluutpamá ‘dipnet’;
wax̣uutpamá ‘oar, paddle’;
wilawiix̣tpamá ‘racetrack’;
latitpamá tamaničtpamá ‘flower pot’;
patupamáan yax̣tatpamá ‘garbage can’.
áwnaš tɨmnanáx̣ša miimá tɨmnanáx̣t tamalampamá ‘I am now telling an old story pertaining to Tamalám’;
wiwnupamá wápas ‘berry basket’. With nominalized verbs: ku k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tananmaamí wiyanintpamá ‘and all the aforementioned is pertinent to the traveling around of the Indians’;
iwiyáwat̓iša x̣nɨmˀuyitpamá ‘she is taking the lead in the first digging’;
iwá aq̓uwitpamá płɨ́x̣ ‘it is a cough medicine’;
See more:
[NP /-peme/.]
In every direction, any old which way, scatter brained, shameful. pawiyáyč̓ušana tanánmaaman pamáan ‘they were afraid of the people in every direction’; pamáan isɨ́nwiša čáw ámšqitwak ‘he is speaking shamefully, don’t pay attention to him’; pamáanpamaan pawíkuša ‘they’re doing wrong’; aat pamáan ‘oh frustrating!’.
Have a wedding. ipámaliiša káatnampa čikúuk ‘they are having a wedding today at the long house’; ipámaliita čikúuk John ku Esther ‘today John and Esther are getting married’; ipámaliina watím ‘they had the wedding yesterday’.
Clothing. ana kʷná panaknúwix̣ana paamíin památaatpasit ana tún ‘where they used to keep their clothing whatever’. [NP ˀipnáasam̓qit /ˀipnásm̓qit/.]
Monkey vine, Mimulus guttatus. It was boiled and used to wash hair. The leaves are soapy. Also called winanuutpamá. [NP capáakaykaˀs hukúuxˀayn.]
Listener, one who pays attention. [WS & Y pamc̓iix̣ʷałá.]
Trickster (in a ribald sense).
Drummer. [Cf. Jargon pámpam ‘drum’.]
Woman’s brother’s son. pámta ‘nephew!’; ínpamt ‘my nephew’; ímpamt ‘your nephew’; pámt ‘(her) nephew’; iq̓inúna pámtpa ‘she saw her nephew’; pámtin páq̓inuna ‘her nephew saw her’; pɨ́npamtpnɨmnaš iq̓inúna ‘her nephew saw me’. [NP /pámtn/ (vocative /pámta/).]
Western toad, Bufo boreas. sapk̓usiłanmí áwa kákya pamtá ‘toad is the devil’s pet animal’. Also ámtanat.
Sometimes, whenever. pamún pawínata Mɨlílikan pamún ‘sometimes they will go to Warm Springs? whenever’. [NP pammáwa; pakkáa.]
Redress a body that has been buried for a specified time. papámx̣ta átwaymaaman ‘they will redress the deceased’.
Locative case. mɨ́łpan iwá ‘what time is it?’; ataš kú wiyákʷštikɨnx̣ana túpan łq̓íwitpa ‘when we used to do wrong in some playing’; ku ánč̓ax̣i anam k̓ʷapɨ́n muláytta kunam ánkaštkta túpan síilpa ‘and again that which you will boil you’ll tie in any cloth’; mɨ́łpan iwá ‘what time is it?’.
Little people who live in the mountains. They whistle and will follow you when you get lost. See Rigsby (1971). See also ɨst̓iyahá.
Columbia lily, Lilium columbianum. [NW paanát.]